3 posts
Feb 10, 2016 21:43:21 GMT -5
Post by Ivysoot on Oct 6, 2015 18:17:15 GMT -5
Ivypaw was sitting towards the middle front, having to sit there if she wanted to see what was going on, her tail swishing with anticipation at the two ceremonies. She knew it wasn't for her but she had seen Howlingstar come in with Emberpaw and she knew what that meant. The small apprentice purred happily. She knew that Emberpaw would be happier in the warrior's den, having more room there than the apprentice's den. She was a little sad, knowing their den would be bigger and colder without the large tom but it was his time and she was happy for him. Ivypaw hoped her own warrior ceremony would happen soon. After all, she was 12 moons old. The small calico gasped when she heard Howlingstar go on with the first ceremony. "Rainkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rainpaw. Your mentor will be Fireflower. I hope Fireflower will pass down all she knews on to you." Ivypaw was so happy for her aunt. This was her first apprentice after all. Looking for her aunt over the taller cats surrounding her, Ivypaw finally caught sight of Fireflower, heading towards the front. The small feline looked for Rainkit, no, now Rainpaw, and gave the younger cat a smile when she saw her. Ivypaw was bubbling with excitement, wanting to congratulate the mentor and apprentice but settled herself down enough to wait for Howlingstar to finish this ceremony and the next one. Her claws kneeded the ground beneath her, whiskers quivering, along with many other signs that showed just how excited she was for her clanmates. The small she-cat couldn't help herself, it was just her nature. Words || 306 Tagged || Howlingstar || Emberpaw || Appleheart || Longtail || Sand as Hailpaw || dylan as Rainpaw and Cherryberry || Pumpkinflower || Fireflower
Great Member
29 posts
May 21, 2016 20:41:18 GMT -5
Post by dylan on Oct 8, 2015 15:47:48 GMT -5
Rainkit…paw – 524 WordsTags: All of TC, but Fireflower mostly Notes: Still laughing at Bananatail….I have the best mental image. It wasn’t as if the kit had been unhappy in the nursery without her siblings, no she found the good in everything. She had been helping the apprentices out by fetching freshkill for the queens. That was ine less job they had to do. And she was ready to be an apprentice. She had not been a quarter moon ago, her siblings were at a loss in how to deal with her sadness. To this cat it was the hardest thing in the world to be sad. No one wanted to see her sad like that again, it was as if she had lost her whole meaning for life for a good moon. Now that she was snapped out of it she was back to being that bubbly cat again. She was just content being able to have a few moments with her siblings.
When the meeting actually began, Rainkit had closed her mouth, knowing it was disrespectful to talk when the leader was talking. She felt her sister’s warm fur beside hers, and her oldest brother’s on the other side. He had mentioned something about a ceremony? Oh yeah, Emberpaw was probably going to become a warrior. He was going to be a good warrior, she just knew it. But wait, what was this about something else. And why was Howlingstar looking at her? She hadn’t done anything wrong that she knew of. Maybe he would let her give food to the elders now! But wait, why would he call a meeting for that? No way. He had to be kidding. He was making her an apprentice! Rainkit bounced excitedly, and she could feel her sister trying to get a few licks on her pelt to not only soothe the excitement, but so she looked nice.
Rainkit was in disbelief. Sure, she knew she was old enough, and knew she wouldn’t be a kit forever, but did she expect it today? Not at all. Her bright green eyes seemed to dance as she looked up at him, and still tried not to utter a word. She was going to be extra patient for this. And she was no longer Rainkit, but Rainpaw. She was just like her brothers and sister now! Her gaze drifted around camp, who did he say was her mentor again? She felt her siblings nudging her forward and it was like her brain finally caught up to her. She had an awesome mentor! And she got to be Fireflower’s first apprentice. That means she would make sure to be on her best behavior.
At the summoning from her new mentor, Rainpaw did not have to be told twice to bound over to Fireflower. The smile on her face could not be contained and her paws bounced the entire way up, not staying on the ground for long at all. Skidding to a halt in front of Fireflower she quivered in excitement. “I’m gonna work really hard. I promise I won’t let you down. And I’ll be on my best behavior always.” Rainpaw mewed softly, her eyes turning only to Howlingstar for a second so she could thank him. Best…day…ever!
Post by Fireflower on Oct 11, 2015 0:48:41 GMT -5
"Heroes and thieves at my door, and I can't seem to tell them apart anymore. "Just when I've figured it out," Darling it's you I'm without.
Fireflower smiled warmly as she watched Rainpaw bound excitedly towards her without a single ounce of hesitation. Fireflower lowered her head to touch noses with the excitedly quivering apprentice just as Rainpaw mewed softly, "I'm gonna work really hard. I promise I won't let you down. And I'll be on my best behavior always.
Fireflower purred with approval, and after they completed the tradition, she meowed in a smooth voice, "Excellent. I'm sure you'll do great!" She was overjoyed and touched by Rainpaw's enthusiasm. She already liked this new apprentice, and always admired cats who gave it their all and promised so. Fireflower raised her head and stepped back to let the rest of the clan congratulate Rainpaw and call her by her new name as the tradition usually went next. After that was finished, Emberpaw's ceremony would likely begin. She backed up further and went to take a new seat and watch the ceremony progress.
10 posts
Jul 3, 2016 13:59:47 GMT -5
Post by Longtail on Oct 18, 2015 9:52:53 GMT -5
Longtail watched in silence as Howlingstar began the ceremony for Rainkit, and about time too. The kit was 6 moons and well able to begin her training, the speckled she-cat dipped her head in the direction of the kit who was being frantically groomed by her sibling - she must not have realised that her ceremony would be involved in this gathering, then again, neither had Longtail who was sure it was only Emberpaw's ceremony. She sat neatly with small paws tucked just underneath her in silence with a long speckled tail drawing neatly around her body as she watched with calm blue eyes as Fireflower approached her new apprentice. A purr rose deep within Longtails chest, new apprentices for Thunderclan meant they would have more strength, not that they were even lacking in strength being the biggest clan of the forest; they had been blessed with a brilliant greenleaf and even with their loss against Shadowclan they were growing stronger everyday. "Rainpaw!" she called in a cheerful tone, dipping her head toward the apprentice in silent congratulations before returning her gaze back to Howlingstar.
Spottedpaw bounded out from the apprentice den tumbling on a raised root that lay near the entrance onto her side with a grunt. She looked around with a frantic apologetic glance hoping no cat had seen her, especially hoping Lionclaw hadn't seen her make a fool out herself. But she was excited, there would be one new apprentice from the sound of things and Emberpaw would be leaving the apprentice den at long last, he was far to large to even fit in there anyway - the warriors den would certainly suit him though Spottedpaw would truly miss his presence. She had spent most of her apprenticehood around the large tom and thoroughly appreciated his company, especially since he was close friends with her own mentor Lionclaw, she had often been around him and part of her hoped that that wouldn't change too much. Sure Spottedpaw was excited for the tom to gain his warrior name, and for herself to gain her own warrior name but she couldn't help feel sad at how much things were changing in Thunderclan with new warriors and apprentices, with territory lost and battles that would soon be fought.
She padded silently her head drooped low and her long tail dragging across the ground in faint sadness at her thoughts. She sat neatly at the back of the camp where few would see her unhappiness with her tail laid out in a soft curve behind her twitching slightly at the tip as she focused her green gaze on the impressive tom that lead her clan. The call from Longtail as she greeted the new apprentice made Spottedpaw turn her view to the apprentice who stood near Fireflower and with a dip of her head she stood up. More apprentices meant more warriors and more strength which is exactly what they needed to defeat Shadowclan and regain their territory, her mood brightened slightly as she padded cheerfully toward Rainpaw with a grin. "Rainpaw!" she purred softly, flicking her tail against her shoulder not caring if she was intruding on the ceremony, she might have a new friend in Rainpaw and that was what gave Spottedpaw's mood a boost. "Can't wait to train with you!" she mewed softly before padding back to her where she sat waiting for the meeting to finish.
words || 575 ooc || figured i'd toss in spottedpaw!
i'm here standing on the edge ...and staring up at where a new moon should be...
34 posts
Jan 22, 2021 2:10:07 GMT -5
Post by Howlingstar on Dec 22, 2015 23:34:57 GMT -5
"I hear the wind callin' my name. The sound that leads me home again. It sparks up the fire, a flame that still burns. To you, I will always return.
At this time, Howlingstar noticed that a few cats had joined the meeting a little bit late, but that wasn't to much of a problem. Whatever Cherryberry was up to, he knew his trusted deputy would report anything important that he needed to know. Howlingstar gazed upon his clanmates with a glow of warmth in his amber eyes. Pumpkinflower, Emberpaw, Pinekit and Foxkit were his blood family, but all of Thunderclan were also like a beloved family to him, and he would protect them all like a queen viciously protects her kits. Howlingstar nodded with a pleased expression at Fireflower's promise to do well as a mentor for Rainpaw and for the clan.
Howlingstar waited patiently while the clan congratulated the new apprentice, and then as the cheers mostly wore down, he waved his tail for silence and the clan's attention once more. "As some of you may have guessed, there is to be another ceremony to take place this day." Finally, he locked golden eyes with his eldest son. "Emberpaw, my son, you have trained hard and are ready to become a warrior at last." His chest puffed out with pride for his offspring's special day as he began the traditional words immediately. "I, Howlingstar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Emberpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
ooc || Gonna see if I can knock out as many replies as possible tonight >:3 words || 271 tags || Everyone <3 After someone else posts, Emberpaw/strike will reply. Then when another person or two replies, Howlingstar will reply again.
Great Member
26 posts
Feb 17, 2020 23:14:49 GMT -5
Post by Sand on Jan 5, 2016 19:25:51 GMT -5
Hailpaw clear blue gaze was on the leader. The young tom didn't know about the new kit that was going to be made an apprentice. His eyes just turned and looked down at the new apprentice. It was Rainkit, he didn't know much about the she-cat but then again thats because he pushed everyone that tried to get close to him emotionally. All he knew was that he had to stay focused because he would not be the best warrior if he making friend with every one. He noticed that Howlingstar decided to choose Fireflower as the new apprentices mentor. The young white tom just looked as the she-cat stood up and called the words easily back up to the tom saying that she would indeed take on the apprentice. That when warriors started congratulating Rainpaw now. Hailpaw just watched as form of his mentor Longtail moved up and talked to the new apprentice. He just perked up his large bat like years, trying to hear what the warrior was saying to the younger she-cat. He just heard something about training. Flattening his white ears Hailpaw really did not like the idea but he knew that what ever his mentor had planned it was probably to make him a better warrior. Or it was just for her own sake to keep herself sane with Hailpaw's serious attitude.
The young tom looked away from the gathering warriors around the new apprentice and turned his attention back up to Howlingstar. The large leader was looking down at his son Emberpaw. Hailpaw was excited he had never seen a warrior ceremony before, so it would be a new experience for him. His ears were once again standing on up on the top of his head. Looking at he young tom one would notice that he had the makings of being a large lean tom. His blue eyes were trained on the leader as the ceremony continued. He just felt the energy expolode with in his body, but on the outside no one would notice. Soaking in the words that the leader was saying now Hailpaw's gaze was on the large apprentice. He waited in excitement to see what the tom would say.
Words: 376 Tags: Everyone Notes: None
Post by Emberpaw on Jan 8, 2016 3:08:11 GMT -5
"If we hold on together," I know our dreams will never die. "Dreams see us through to forever," where clouds roll by for you and I.
Emberpaw heard pawsteps approaching, and saw his beautiful step-mother, Pumpkinflower padding up to him to purr, "Your father and I are so proud of you, Emberpaw, and Pinekit and Foxkit are lucky to have you for a big brother.." Emberpaw purred with unsuppressed gratefulness and slowly blinked his eyes while she gave his ear a swift lick. As she moved back to her seat off to the side of the clan meeting, he watched her go briefly before returning his attention to Howlingstar. He was actually not expecting Rainpaw's ceremony to happen, but easily understood that now was the best time for the kit to finally have her long awaited apprentice ceremony.
Rainpaw, Rainpaw!" Emberpaw, feeling light as a feather on his paws as his time grew near, joined in the others in calling Rainpaw by her new name. And then as the joyous meowing calmed down, he could begin to hear his heart beating rapidly with anticipation. Howlingstar's large brown tail swished through the air, catching everyone's attention like the wingspan of a giant eagle flying low in the sky, and attentive silence filled the camp. Most of the other cats knew what was next, and Emberpaw felt like his pelt was growing hot with the curious gazes of other cats. His large, fluffy paws kneaded the ground nervously, and he ignored all other pairs of familiar eyes except for those of his father's.
The powerful Thunderclan leader was meowing, "As some of you may have guessed, there is to be another ceremony to take place this day. Emberpaw, my son, you have trained hard and are ready to become a warrior at last." Emberpaw was frozen to the spot by the glowing amber gaze of Howlingstar, his breath caught in his chest and held there as if time had stopped. The brief moment of pause for effect seemed to last an eternity before Howlingstar began the traditional words of ceremony, repeated countless times since the beginning of the clans. "I, Howlingstar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Emberpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Emberpaw feared that if he spoke, his vocal chords would not utter a squeak under the emotion of this moment, so heaved air from his lungs, forcing his voice to be loud and clear no matter what the circumstance. "I do! Emberpaw meowed in a shockingly deep and powerful voice. He surprised even himself, for a moment almost thinking that Howlingstar had just spoken the words he meant to say, but logically there was no doubt. Emberpaw had taken another step in his father's footsteps. Emberpaw felt his long furred chest puff out with pride as he owned up to the sound he had just meowed.
o o c || C; w o r d s || 506 t a g s || errebody!
10 posts
Jul 3, 2016 14:01:15 GMT -5
Post by Spottedpaw on Jan 9, 2016 16:20:48 GMT -5
Spottedpaw sat in the clearing her pelt brushing her mentors in the clearing as she gazed up at Howlingstar with wide green eyes as he announced the warrior ceremony about to take place. Part of her envied Emberpaw, she wanted her warrior name as soon as she could get it, but she still had a few more moons of training ahead of her before that. Her tail twitched excitedly as the ceremony began, Howlingstar recited the words that many leaders had spoken moons before his time to hundreds of new apprentices. Emberstrikes voice was deep as he responded with a powerful "I do!" and she wanted to run up to him and press her pelt against his and then yell his new name, whatever it may be. She was happy, Emberpaw had been her den mate for a few moons when she began her training, and there he was - moments away from becoming a warrior and Spottedpaw knew he deserved it. She coiled her tail around her paws as she waited for the ceremony to end, her gaze landed on Hailpaw who looked bothered by something he'd heard and she tilted her head, getting to her paws and padding over to him. "Did some cat put crow food in front of your nest this morning?" she whispered with a quietl snort, sitting beside him. "Brighten up a bit, Emberpaw is getting his warrior name, it's exciting." she purred softly before putting her wide green eyes back on the father and son.
words || 253